SimpleAlgo LLC is a discussion forum intended solely for entertainment and informational purposes. Consult your tax and financial advisors to determine what financial and tax strategies may be right for you. Investor protection and other important information is available at SEC.govBy participating in SimpleAlgo LLC by becoming a member of our discord server, or otherwise joining a social media channel we operate, you acknowledge and agree that these terms and conditions are a binding contract between you and SimpleAlgo LLC.In these terms and conditions, “TradersUniversity”, “We”, “Us” and similar language refers to SimpleAlgo LLC a corporation organized and existing under California law. “You” refers to the individual or company that participates, follows, or otherwise contributes to SimpleAlgo LLC.If you do not agree with these terms, then do not read, participate, follow or otherwise contribute to SimpleAlgo LLC.Any post, message or other information that you provide or contribute to SimpleAlgo LLC is not confidential and may be publicly listed by us in any format or media. By providing information to TradersUniversity you give permission to TradersUniversity, its moderators, its officers, its agents, its employees, its successors, and its assigns to use the information you provided for any purpose including, but not limited to, the creation of podcasts, written articles, and other intellectual property in any medium or format. TradersUniversity shall have sole ownership of any intellectual property created based on the information that you provide us.By participating in TradersUniversity you acknowledge that TradersUniversity DOES NOT PROVIDE FINANCIAL, INVESTMENT OR TAX ADVICE. Any information or discussion provided in a post, podcast or any other media is solely for entertainment and informational purposes.By submitting any post, message or other information to TradersUniversity you acknowledge that you have authority to submit this information and that the post, message or other information is not subject to copyright nor violates any law. You will be personally responsible for any liability arising from your post, message or other information and agree to fully indemnify us in the event that we are found liable for a post, message or other information provided by you.Unless expressly authorized by TradersUniversity, subscribers, followers and other participants on our fora shall not and may not solicit other subscribers, followers, and other fora participants for any reason whatsoever.No subscriber, follower or other fora participant or user may contact or obtain the information or data about any other subscriber, follower or other fora participant for any marketing or business purpose. Included within this is any effort to “scrape” or otherwise collect the names of our subscribers, followers or other fora participant for any business or non-business purpose.We may suspend a subscriber, follower or other fora participant for any reason and for no reason at all, to the extent permitted by law.Our reputation and goodwill is of the essence of our business and any effort to slander, defame, publicly disclose private facts, or otherwise engage in any tortious interference in our prospective business advantage shall be actionable and subject to the violator to liquidated damages in an amount equal to the actual and consequential damages caused by the breach and the full amount of legal fees sought to bring a suit to stop such tortious conduct.SimpleAlgo LLC makes no representation, warranties, or promises about the accuracy, reliability, completeness, currentness or timeliness of the discussion that may be held on our forum or other media in any format.In no event shall SimpleAlgo LLC be liable for any damages (including, but not limited to, lost profits, or damages resulting from lost data or business interruption) resulting from the information provided by SimpleAlgo LLC or posted on the TradersUniversity forum –this lack of liability applies whether the theory of liability is based on warranty, contract,tort, or any other legal theory. SimpleAlgo LLC is not liable for any personal injury caused by your use or misuse of information provided by TradersUniversity.